Client Stories: Porto's Bakery

Working with a commercial bank with a client-centered approach can be instrumental in growing a business. Through Bank of Southern California’s innovative and customized financing solutions, we were able to assist Porto’s Bakery in their time of need and set them up for ongoing growth and success.

Spotlight: Porto’s Bakery

RAUL PORTO IS THE CEO OF PORTO’S BAKERY. The company first opened for business in 1976. But the idea for Porto’s Bakery began much earlier. Raul’s mother, Rosa, started baking from her home in Cuba back in the Sixties. Times were tough. It was a way to survive.

“My mother’s cooking was something special. She was always making new dishes and trying new things,” Raul remembers.

Raul’s family arrived in the US with $50. But potential and talent are priceless. When they set up a small home business, word of Rosa’s gift for baking spread quickly. They grew! Today, Porto’s Bakery has over two thousand employees and five locations in Southern California. Despite its growth, the company takes pride in being a family business.

When COVID hit Southern California, business suffered. “We had to be imaginative. We had to think differently,” Raul remembers. “We decided to make our food available online for delivery. It was a huge success. Our customers love it! Just heat it up, and your house smells like a bakery.”

Raul credits Bank of Southern California as a critical ally in adapting to change. The bank helped Porto’s Bakery pivot swiftly to meet customers’ changing demands.

“Larger banks give loans based on certain criteria. If you don’t fit, you’re out of luck. Bank of Southern California knew us. They were local, so they understood our history and were willing to support us.

Porto’s Bakery is continuing to grow. With their new Bake at Home service, the bakery breathed new life into Rosa’s creative legacy. And they kept hordes of customers happy in the process.

“When we started the bakery, my mother sold cakes exclusively to friends and family. And as crazy as it sounds, I feel like even after how much we’ve grown, we’ve been able to maintain some of that family touch. Bank of Southern California has helped us move from where we were to where we wanted to go.

At Bank of Southern California, we are committed to helping small businesses achieve their goals. To learn more, speak with a local banker today.